Can you identify these 'The Twilight Zone' episodes based on images of the characters?

Can you place these faces in another dimension?

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MeTV Presents The Top 10 Episodes of The Twilight Zone: It’s a Good Life
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Spooky season is a year-round celebration when you're a Twilight Zone fan. No matter how many times you've watched each episode, they're just too good not to watch again.

You might remember everything about your favorite episodes, from the name of the main characters to small details like what happened to them when they entered a new dimension. What if you only had to identify these episodes based on pictures of the characters?

You are now entering The Twilight Zone. Can you name the episode based on an image of the characters?

Watch The Twilight Zone on MeTV!

Weeknights at 12:30 AM
Sundays at 12:30 AM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. What episode is this?
  2. What episode is this?
  3. What episode is this?
  4. What episode is this?
  5. What episode is this?
  6. What episode is this?
  7. What episode is this?
  8. What episode is this?
  9. What episode is this?
  10. What episode is this?

Can you identify these 'The Twilight Zone' episodes based on images of the characters?

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